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Mortgage Professor about Bad Credit: 
When Good Credit Marries Bad Credit
November 2, 1998, Revised November 22, 2004 "My fiancee and I are first time buyers and would like to purchase a single family home in New Jersey. He has an outstanding credit report and I have a bad one (collections, ... more...

Are Credit Problems Cured by the Passage of Time?
20 December 2004, revised June 24, 2005 "My credit record is terrible. I have been advised that if I just wait long enough and don't run up any more debts in the meantime, my terrible record will cure itself. Is this true? " It is only partly true. You have to ... more...

Bad Credit related definitions

Credit Report
Credit Report A report documenting the credit history and current status of a borrower's credit standing, detailing a borrowers credit history including payment history on revolving accounts (eg. credit cards) and installment ... more...

Debt To Income Ratio
Debt To Income Ratio The ratio, expressed as a percentage, which results when a borrower's monthly payment obligation on long-term debts is divided by his or her gross monthly income. Equal Credit Act Debt ... more...

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Bad Credit Loans Authenticate What Is Positive About Bad Credit
This might not be the front page news but it is now out in the open! Bad credit is getting loans all kinds of loans. Lending institutions, banks and other financial constitutions are coming forward to provide loans for bad credit. There is a new rescue programme for people with bad credit - bad ... more...

Bad Credit Remortgage Loan: When Bad Credit Plays Mischief With Your Mortgage
Financial difficulties are married to bad credit. It is a tough marriage but can be peaceful with a little bit of counseling. The recommended counseling in case you have bad credit with a mortgage loan is bad credit remortgage. Remortgage is defined as replacing the current mortgage lender with a ... more...

Bad Credit Personal Loans: Breaking Barriers Encompassing Bad Credit
In the phrase bad credit, what is important is - 'credit'. If you get that part then bad credit will no longer pose as a liability. Bad credit is conceived by people as something that will prevent them from getting loans. This might have been true few years back. But the configurations of loan ... more...

Personal Loans for Bad Credit Can Discipline Repercussions of Negative Credit
Bad credit is like an ongoing battle for many loan borrowers. Bad credit has many repercussions for the people when they apply for personal loans. You usually are branded as a bad credit borrower if you have anywhere in your credit history terms like late payments, county court judgments, ... more...

Bad Credit Personal Loans Pertinent Pedestal for a Financial Resumption
In the arena of loan borrowing, there is hardly an opponent more difficult to tackle than bad credit. Bad credit implies that your personal credit history is integral and decisive in making the personal loan available for you. Bad credit history is like very probable. It is not that you have not ... more...

Demystify the Allegorical Misinterpretation of Bad Credit Personal Loans
Every time you go for a loan, the bad credit trademark hits you where it should your odds at finding a loan. For bad credit personal loan, it is necessary to discover your standing as a loan claimant. Loan borrowing is promoted as a much elementary process. And so is loan borrowing for bad credit. ... more...

Unsecured Bad Credit Loan: Accepting Bad Credit Without Financial Security
You are in need of loans without collateral and you think it is easy. You go through your credit report and find what? Bad credit! Yes bad credit. You go through questions like how, when where. Well, settle down you have bad credit. You cant rub it off. All you can do is play along until you ... more...

Bad Credit Loans: Civilizing Bad Debt Condition
Credit runs into our lives and has effect on almost every decision we make. Bad credit runs in our credit application and has effects on every loan we borrow. A recent survey has shown that one fifth of the adult population cannot qualify for regular loans. For such a huge loan borrowing population ... more...

Bad Credit Secured Personal Loans are Like Desserts-Last Course/Best Recourse for Impaired Credit
Plato said, We can easily forgive a child who is afraid of the dark. But real tragedy of life is when men are afraid of the light.Are you afraid of bad credit? Then this article is perhaps for all of you who feel bad credit is an issue. Let this be your first step in bad credit therapy. You might ... more...

Bad Credit Loans if You Did not Know Bad Credit Could be Rescued
One financial mistake and you are down in dumps. It is under no circumstances a very choicest place to be. But only when you hit the rock bottom you realize that there is no way, except the way up. Way up not only sounds good, it is good. In the financial sense the dumps is bad credit and the way ... more...

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